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Ballindine Pharmacy : 094 936 4712
HealthWest Community Pharmacy supplies a wide selection of quality mother and baby products. All of our baby products are sourced from trusted suppliers and brands. Our baby product range includes milk formula, baby food, skincare, nappies and accessories, as well as products for both expectant and new mothers.
The HealthWest baby product range includes:

Pain Relief for Children
Probiotics For Children
Baby Wipes
Bottle Warmers
Throat Syrup
Portable Nebulisers
Infant Drops
Vapour Plugs
Nappy Rash Spray
Baby Food
Fever Relief for Children
Baby Skincare
Saline Nasal Spray
Folic Acid
Vapour Rubs
Breastmilk Storage Bags
Children’s Medicines
Whether you are an expectant mother, a new mother, or have older children, we can help you ensure you have everything you need to keep both yourself and your child healthy and well. In addition to our baby products, we can also provide expert advice with regard to your baby’s health and wellbeing.